Editor's Guide

Welcome Contributor! This guide will be updated as needed to keep you guys in the loop when we need to fill you in, show you how to use something, announce a sitewide sale, and more.. Check here frequently to stay informed.
As contributors, we know you source your music from many different places, but you need to put your OWN EDITS up in the Vault. That means you need to alter, re-construct, do some form of adjustment to an audio or video file for it to be considered your edit. Our tolerance for stealing edits from other editors on other websites is ZERO. If you are not a real editor we will know it, and your access to the Vault will be immediately restricted.

Please take us seriously, there are no exceptions to this rule and you will not be paid for the accounting period we catch you, and no accounting period again thereafter.

    Please pay close attention to what is already going up in the i12inch Digital Pool. Contributors uploading excessive tracks into the pool that are already there will have those edits removed from the pool and your monthly maximum upload count.
    This means, the tracks uploaded should not be the exact version you hear on streaming services, or get on the artists albums. We are a service for DJ's providing alternate versions of original works intended to make the job of being a live DJ easier and more painless. Add intros, outros, shorten tracks, acapella in's, out's, etc.. This rule does not apply to original productions uploaded by contributors that are producers of original music. Full length originals are ok if they are being sent out officially by record labels for promotion to DJ's as well.
  • Tracks and Multipacks are purchased two ways. First, with real money. This means tokens are no longer purchased by clients.
  • Second, by way of subscriptions. Subscriptions are not always available and will be highly sought-after by our clients.
  • Contributors may create "Multipacks" from the tracks they provide to the service using the "Multipack Editor". With Multipacks, the contributor can group tracks that were uploaded to the same label, provide custom artwork, and a price that is lower than the retail price of the tracks contained in the multipack if they were purchased individually. Create multipacks to offer discounts to clients that are willing to purchase your contributions in bulk. Be creative about multipacks by grouping tracks together that make sense together. Experiment and learn what your clients like the most.
  • Our cart offers an automatic "Discounting System" based on the number of tracks or multipacks a client checks out with the cart. Track discounts and Multipack discounts are applied in the cart separately. For every 20 tracks a client is checking out with, they will get a 5% discount off their entire order for TRACKS specifically. That discount will not apply to multipacks.

    So for example, if a client checks out with 61 tracks in their cart they are going to get 15% off for all the tracks in the cart. The discount for multipacks works similar, but for every 5 multipacks a client checks out with they will receive 5% off.

    So a user checking out with 11 Multipacks will get a 10% discount on them. A user checking out with 22 Tracks and 16 Multipacks will get 5% off the tracks, and 15% off the multipacks. This will be reflected in your real time accounting.
  • Each Label has it's own "Percentage Split" between the label and the contributor for your sales under that label.

    "The Formula" for paying out is % off the top for payment processing, then % company / % contributor.

    So for example $100 worth of your tracks sells. From the top, $5 comes off for payment processing leaving $95.00. Let's say for this example the split between the label and contributor is 50/50. The label will get $47.50 and you will get $47.50.
  • For subscription payouts it works a little differently. Subscriptions will offer users a maximum download amount of xx tracks per 30 days. This does not mean that users will always use the maximum amount of downloads available to them each month, but it acts as the most amount of downloads a user can download in any given 30 day time frame. This number resets and does not stack at the beginning of each payment cycle on a per-user basis.

    Our system will break down the amount of money that comes in for Subscriptions for an accounting period/calendar month and apply the formula the same way as above, but will instead allocating the subscription percentage for the contributors to the "Contributor Subscription Pool".

    So again, it's % off the top for payment processing, then 50% company / 50% contributor subscription pool.


    $10,000 comes in for subscriptions for an accounting period. From the top $500 (5% of the total income) is allocated to payment processing. Then the remaining $9500 is split in half, with $4750 going to the company, and $4750 going to the contributor subscription pool.

    In that same accounting period there was a total of 22,550 subscriber downloads. To determine the payout for each contributor, our system will treat $4750 as 100% of the total subscriptions payout going to contributors, and 22,550 as 100% of the downloads attributed to the contributors to determine a payout percentage for each contributor respectively.

    Here's an example of subscription breakdowns:

    Contributor A got 12,112 downloads (53.71% of the total downloads) = 53.71% of $4750 = Contributor Payout of $2551.23
    Contributor B got 4422 downloads (19.65% of the total downloads) = 19.65% of $4750 = Contributor Payout of $933.38
    Contributor C got 4812 downloads (21.33% of the total downloads) = 21.33% of $4750 = Contributor Payout of $1013.18
    Contributor D got 1204 downloads (5.33% of the total downloads) = 5.31% of $4750 = Contributor Payout of $252.21
  • Contributors may contribute edits only to the "Labels" that they have access to as contributors. When you go to your Uploader you will be prompted to select a label to upload your tracks to, and only labels you have access to will be available in the list to choose from.

    Each label has a different upload quota (if any) and is independent of any other label. A label may have set cash price per track not allowing a contributor to adjust the selling price, and a label may also have a range for the selling price and give the contributor the option to choose a price within that range to charge for a track. The contributor will have this option at the time of upload inside the track editor if it is available.
  • WE ARE STARTING OFF WITHOUT QUOTAS.. As of current day all labels have no quotas, but if you are a contributor that does nothing for too long we will remove you as a contributor. We want you here or you wouldn't be here but we need active contributors. We know you have other things to do and that's why we are going to try this without quotas. We want it to be fair and want you to be paid for your work always. Be as active as you can in providing your fans with what they expect and quotas will never be implemented.
    Contributors must meet the upload quota requirement on a per-label basis to be paid for their sales earned from that label in a calendar month. If a contributor does not meet the upload quota requirement for a label they will not be included in the payout for that label and that accounting period/calendar month, Earnings for that label and that calendar month will be forfeited to the company. What this means is if you are a contributor for more than one label, you will need to make the monthly upload quota for each label you are a contributor for respectively.

    So say Audio Vault has a 15 upload requirement, and i12inch Pool has a 30 upload requirement, you will only be part of the payout for the accounting period on the labels you met the quota for. So if you only uploaded 29 edits to i12inch your sales for that accounting period are forfeited. This is mandatory to keep productivity up, and our quotas are very reasonable. Quotas do not exist for all labels.
  • Contributors will be paid on a monthly basis for their sales from the previous month within the first 3 days of the new month.
  • A PAYPAL ACCOUNT IN GOOD STANDING IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO BE PAID. Please make sure you have Paypal and it's not limited in any way that would prevent you from receiving payments.
  • All US Citizens are required to provide a Social Security Number or TAX ID in order to be paid. At the beginning of a new calendar year you will receive a 1099 for the income you have made the previous year if it amounts to $600 USD or more.

Access Location

When you are given "Contributor" access, some new links will appear at the top of the page. Your uploader is one of them.

Select Label

Clicking on your Uploader will take you to the Label selector where you will choose which label from the labels you have access to that you want to upload your tracks into. If you are uploading a DJ Mix/Piss Break of any sort be sure to upload it to the Strictly DJ Mixes label.

Upload Tracks

After selecting a label the Drop zone will appear and verification of the label you are uploading to will be shown on the left side along with the possible pricing options for the tracks going into that label. Drop audio or video tracks onto the drop zone to add them to the label. The drop zone will specify what file quality will be acceptable in the center.

Needs Prep

Tracks must be edited before they can go into the database and be listed on the live site. Tracks that need editing will say "needs prep". Clicking on needs prep will open the track editor. Having as much information filled out as possible in the MP3 id3 tag for the track will help to expedite this process.

Track Basic Information

The required information will have an asterisk next to it. Our system will auto-fill all of this information based on your ID3 tag, but will re-key the file no matter what key is already written to the ID3 tag. Be sure to satisfy all requirements at this part before moving on.

Snippet Addition

All tracks need a snippet file for the users to preview the file. Our built in snippet creation tool is at your disposal offering the ability to create 30, 60, and 90 second snippets depending on your choice, and will allow you to place the snippet anywhere you want within your track. The created snippet will fade in and out. You also have the option to upload your own custom snippet (128kbps mp3) in case you want to show off various parts of your track. When using the snippet creation tool MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THE SNIPPET BY CLICKING THE BUTTON YOU SEE THERE. Otherwise you will be wondering why your track is never ready for publishing. :)

Sample Clearance

You must clear anything that is not an original track of your own. If there are multiple originals used in the track you are uploading, be sure to claim them all. Find the originals on the left searching Spotify, or enter the Artist and Title for each sample, but only if they are not available on Spotify.

Publish Your Track

When all required data is completed your track will be ready to publish and the publish button will turn green. You can publish one at a time or us the "Publish All" button at the top of the tracks listed.

Access Location

Your "My Media" section is where all of your uploads live. From here you can create "Multipacks" and edit tracks or multipacks that already exist.

Create A Multipack

When you select a label on the right, the list of your tracks will change to display only tracks from the selected label. Multipacks can be made from tracks that belong to a single label.
Custom artwork for multipacks will need to be provided as well and keep it classy!
• NO profanity
• NO religion
• NO politics
• NO Nudity

Violators will lose the ability to make multipacks and forfeit their earnings for the accounting period if these rules are broken.

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