TERMS OF USEPLEASE READ THIS TERM OF USEAGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. This Terms of Use Agreement (the“Agreement”) states the terms and conditions under which you may usewww.crookylnclan.net (the “Site”). This Agreement is legally binding made by andbetween the Crooklyn Clan, Inc. (“Crooklyn,” “we,” “us”), a privately heldcorporation, existing under the laws of the State of New York, and you. Byaccessing, browsing and/or using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read,understood, and agreed to the following Agreement. If you do not accept thisAgreement, do not access or use the Site. By entering and/or subscribing to theSite as a member you certify that you either: 1. Thatyou are entering and accessing this Site solely in your capacity as an entertainmentindustry professional who’s profession is disc jockeying (producing, promotingand any other activities customarily performed by such a disc jockey) and youagree to use the site solely for those purposes;2. Youare at least 13 years of age; and3. Ifyou are under eighteen (18) years of age your parent's or legal guardians haveprovided their express consent for you to access the Site and be bound by allof the terms and conditions contained therein. PRIVACY Our Privacy Policy governs what informationwe collect from you, how we use the information, and with whom we share thatinformation. We have the right to collect, share and use your information inaccordance with our Privacy Policy,which is incorporated by reference in these Terms. ACCOUNT REGISTRATION AND SECURITYIf you decide to register as a memberof a Site, you may receive or establish one or more user names, passwords andaccounts. In consideration of use of your registration, you will: (a) providetrue, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted bythe applicable registration form (such information being the “RegistrationData”) and (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep ittrue, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any information that isuntrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or Crooklyn has grounds tosuspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete,Crooklyn has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and allcurrent or future use of the Site (or any portion thereof). You are entirelyresponsible for the security and confidentiality of your password and account.Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occurunder your account. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized useof your account or any other breach of security of which you become aware. Youare responsible for taking precautions and providing security measures bestsuited for your situation and intended use of the registration and Sites. Wehave the right to provide user billing, account, content or user records, andrelated information under certain circumstances (such as in response to legalresponsibility, lawful process, orders, subpoenas, or warrants, or to protectour rights, customers or business) to third parties.GENERAL PRACTICE AND LIMITSYou acknowledge that Crooklyn mayestablish general practices and limits concerning use of the Site, includingwithout limitation, the maximum throughput of traffic from the Internet orassociated service (e.g., Usenet, email, web hosting), and the maximum numberof times (and the maximum duration for which) you may access the Site in agiven period of time. You agree that Crooklyn has no responsibility or liabilityfor the deletion of, for failure to store or to deliver any messages and othercommunications, for the modification or malformation of data communicationsover the Site, or for other content maintained or transmitted by the Site. RESTRICTIONS ON USEThe information and materialsprovided on or through the Site, including any data, text, designs, graphics,images, photographs, illustrations, audio and video clips, logos, icons andlinks (collectively, the "Materials"), are solely intended for theMember’s use in connection with the Site. Although Crooklyn strives to provideMaterials that are both useful and accurate, the nature of the data and otherinformation contained on the Site is subject to frequent change. In addition,the facts and circumstances of every situation differ. Accordingly, althoughCrooklyn endeavors to use reasonable care in assembling the Materials, theMaterials may not be up-to-date, accurate or complete. Accordingly, we reservethe right to:- Change the terms and conditions of thisAgreement; or- Change the Site, includingeliminating or discontinuing any content on or feature of the Site, moreover,portions of the Materials have been contributed to the Site by various artistsand other persons. The inclusion of such information does not indicate anyapproval or endorsement thereof, and Crooklyn expressly disclaims any liabilitywith respect to the foregoing. Subject to your compliance with theterms of use, you may access Materials in accordance with your individualsubscription service in connection with the Site. You may not engage in any unauthorized use,copying, or distribution of any of the Materials other than as set forth inthis agreement. You may not alter or modify the Materials access from thissite. Modification of the Materials for any purpose is a violation of ourcopyright and other proprietary rights, and is strictly prohibited. CODE OF CONDUCTYou agree to respect the rights ofothers and exercise good judgment in using the Site. You agree that you willnot: i. Restrict or inhibit any other visitorfrom using the Site, including, without limitation, by means of"hacking" or defacing any portion of the Site; ii. Use the Site or Materials for anyunauthorized or unlawful purpose; iii. Impersonate any person or entity ormisrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; iv. Solicit personal information from,harm or attempt to harm any person, in any way; v. Express or imply that any statementsyou make are endorsed by us, without our prior written consent;vi. Transmit (a) any content orinformation that is unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, libelous,defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable, or infringes our or any thirdparty's intellectual property or any other rights; (b) any material, non-publicinformation about companies without the authorization to do so; (c) any tradesecret of any third party; or (d) any advertisements, solicitations, chainletters, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities or other unsolicitedcommercial communication (except as otherwise expressly permitted by us) inwriting; vii. Engage in spamming or flooding; viii. Transmit any software or othermaterials that contain any viruses, worms, Trojan horses, defects, date bombs,time bombs or other items of a destructive nature; ix. Modify, adapt, sub-license,translate, sell, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of theSite; x. Remove any copyright, trademark orother proprietary rights notices contained in the Site; xi. "Frame" or"mirror" any part of the Site without our prior writtenauthorization; xii. Use any robot, spider, offlinereader, site search/retrieval application or other manual or automatic deviceor process to retrieve, index, "data mine" or in any way reproduce orcircumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Site or itscontents without our prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Crooklyn grants the operators of public search engines permission to usespiders to copy materials from the site for the sole purpose of and solely tothe extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of thematerials, but not caches or archives of such materials. We reserve the rightto revoke these exceptions generally or in specific cases; xiii. Harvest or collect information aboutSite visitors; xiv. Take any action that imposes anunreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; orxv. Violate any applicable local, state,national or international law, rule or regulation, including, withoutlimitation, regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and ExchangeCommission or any rules of any other national securities exchange. MINORS We understand the importance oftaking extra precautions to protect the privacy and safety of children usingCrooklyn products and services. Children under the age of 13, or equivalentminimum age in the relevant jurisdiction, are not permitted to create their ownCrooklyn identifications.If we learn that we have collectedthe personal information of a child under 13, or equivalent minimum agedepending on jurisdiction, outside the above circumstances we will take stepsto delete the information as soon as possible.LINKS The Site may contain links to otherInternet websites, including affiliated websites which may or may not be ownedor operated by Crooklyn. We have not reviewed all of the websites that may belinked to the Site, and Crooklyn has no control over such sites. Unlessotherwise explicitly stated, Crooklyn is not responsible for the content ofsuch websites, any updates or changes to such sites, or the privacy or otherpractices of such sites, and the fact that we may offer such links does notindicate any approval or endorsement of any material contained on any linkedsite. Such links may be provided to you only as a convenience. Accordingly, westrongly encourage you to become familiar with the terms of use and practicesof any linked site. Further, it is up to you to take precautions to ensure thatwhatever links you select or software you download (whether from the Site orother sites) is free of such items as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, defects,date bombs, time bombs and other items of a destructive nature. PAYMENT PROCESSORCrooklyn uses a third party paymentprocessor (the “Payment Processor”) to bill Members through a payment account linkedto your Account. The processing of payments will be subject to the terms,conditions and privacy policies of the Payment Processor, in addition to thisAgreement. Our current Payment Processor is PayPal, Inc, and memberpayments are processed by PayPal, Inc. in accordance with PayPal, Inc.’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Crooklyn does not control and isnot liable for the security or performance of the Payment Processor. Memberagrees to pay us, through the Payment Processor, all charges at the prices thenin effect for any purchase in accordance with the applicable payment terms. Memberagrees to make payment using the payment method member provides with members account.Crooklyn reserves the right tocorrect, or to instruct our Payment Processor to correct, any errors ormistakes, even if payment has already been requested or received.OWNERSHIP The Site, including all Sitesoftware, databases, proprietary information and Materials (and anyintellectual property and other rights relating thereto) including, withoutlimitation, the selection, sequence and "look and feel" andarrangement of items, logos and trademarks is owned and operated by Crooklyn inconjunction with others pursuant to contractual arrangements, and will remainthe property of Crooklyn and its licensors and suppliers (as applicable). TheSite is protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademark and otherlaws, and you acknowledge that these rights are valid and enforceable. Youfurther acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by accessingthe Site or the Materials. CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENTWe respect the intellectual propertyrights of others, and we ask our users to do the same. The Digital MillenniumCopyright Act of 1998 (the "DMCA") provides recourse for copyrightowners who believe that material appearing on the Internet infringes theirrights under U.S. copyright law. If you believe in good faith that materialshosted by Crooklyn infringe your copyright, you (or your agent) may send us anotice requesting that the material be removed, or access to it blocked. The notice must include the followinginformation: i. (i) A physical or electronicsignature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusiveright that is allegedly infringed;ii. (ii) Identification of thecopyrighted work claimed to have been infringed (or if multiple copyrightedworks located on the Site are covered by a single notification, arepresentative list of such works); iii. (iii) Identification of the materialthat is claimed to be infringing or the subject of infringing activity, andinformation reasonably sufficient to allow Crooklyn to locate the material onthe Site;iv. (iv) The name, address, telephone number andemail address (if available) of the complaining party;v. (v) A statement that the complaining party hasa good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is notauthorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and vi. (vi) A statement that the informationin the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that thecomplaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusiveright that is allegedly infringed. Additionally, if you believe in good faiththat a notice of copyright infringement has been wrongly filed by Crooklynagainst you, the DMCA permits you to send Crooklyn a counter-notice. Notices and counter-notices must meetthe then-current statutory requirements imposed by the DMCA; seehttp://www.loc.gov/copyright/ for details. Notices and counter-notices withrespect to the Site should be sent to:Crooklyn Clan Inc.91 Broadhollow Road Melville, New York 11747We suggest that you consult yourlegal advisor before filing a notice or counter-notice. Also, be aware thatthere can be penalties for false claims under the DMCA. TRADEMARKS The trademarks, logos, and/or servicemarks displayed on the Site (collectively the "Trademark(s)") are theregistered and unregistered trademarks of Crooklyn, Crooklyn’s licensors andsuppliers (as applicable). The Trademarks owned by Crooklyn, whether registeredor unregistered, may not be used in connection with any service that is notoffered by Crooklyn, in any manner or medium that is likely to cause confusion,or in any manner that disparages Crooklyn, its affiliates, officers, licensors,suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, agents, nor their respective founders,owners, shareholders, executives, directors, officers, employees’ partners,consultants, agents or other representatives. Nothing contained on the Siteshould be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, anylicense or right to use any Trademark without the express written permission ofCrooklyn, Crooklyn’s licensors or suppliers, or the third party owner of anysuch Trademark (as applicable). Misuse of any Trademark is prohibited, andCrooklyn will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights in suchTrademarks, including via civil and criminal proceedings.MODIFICATION, SUSPENSION AND TERMINATIONWe reserve the right at any time tosuspend, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any portion of theSite with or without cause and with or without prior notice. You agree that wewill not be liable to you or to any third party for any suspension,modification or discontinuance. Any violation by you of this Agreement mayresult in corrective action by us, in our sole discretion, includingdisconnection or discontinuance of your participation, or termination of thisAgreement. DISCLAIMERS THE SITE, THEMATERIALS ON THE SITE, AND ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SITE ISPROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSOR IMPLIED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW,CROOKLYN, ITS AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, LICENSORS, SUPPLIERS, ADVERTISERS, SPONSORSAGENTS, CONSULTANTS, PARTNERS, EMPLOYEES, EMPLOYEES’ PARTNERS, DIRECTORS,SHAREHOLDERS, EXECUTIVES, AND RESPECTIVE FOUNDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SITE, THE MATERIALS, AND ANY PRODUCT ORSERVICE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SITE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, ACCURACY, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY ARISE FROM COURSE OFDEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGEOF TRADE. APPLICABLE LAW MAY NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SOTHE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Crooklyn, our affiliates, licensors,suppliers, advertisers, sponsors and agents do not warrant that your use of theSite will be uninterrupted, error-free or secure, that defects will becorrected, or that the Site, the server(s) on which the Site is hosted is freeof viruses or other harmful components. You acknowledge that you are responsiblefor obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer hardware and otherequipment needed to access and use the Site, and all charges related thereto. You assume all responsibility andrisks for your use of the Site and your reliance thereon. No opinion, advice orstatement of Crooklyn or its affiliates, officers, licensors, suppliers,advertisers, sponsors, agents, members or visitors, nor their respectivefounders, owners, shareholders, executives, directors, officers, employees’partners, consultants, agents or other representatives whether made on the Siteor otherwise, shall create any warranty. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee,or assume responsibility for any product or service advertised or offeredthrough the Site or any hyperlinked site, or featured in any banner or otheradvertising, and Crookyln will not be a party to or in any way monitor anytransaction between you and third-party providers of products or services. Aswith the purchase or use of a product or service through any medium or in anyenvironment, you should use your best judgment and exercise caution whereappropriate. Your use of the Site and any Materials provided through the Siteare entirely at your own risk. The Site and Materials may includeinaccuracies or errors, or information or materials that violate this Agreement(specifically, the Code of Conduct above). Additionally, unauthorizedalterations could be made by third parties to the Site, Materials or Forums.Although we attempt to ensure the integrity of the Site, we make no guaranteesas to the Site's completeness or correctness. In the event that a situationarises in which the Site's completeness or correctness is in question, pleasecontact us at store@crooklynclan.net with, if possible, a description of the materialto be checked and the location (URL) where such material can be found on theSite, as well as information sufficient to enable us to contact you. We willtry to address your concerns as soon as reasonably practicable. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYNeither Crooklyn nor any of itsaffiliates, licensors, suppliers, advertisers or sponsors, nor their respectivefounders, owners, shareholders, executives, directors, officers, employees’partners, consultants, agents or other representatives are or will be responsibleor liable to you or to any third party for any indirect, incidental,consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages (including,without limitation, damages for loss of business, loss of data or lostprofits), under any contract, negligence, strict liability or other theoryarising out of or relating in any way to the Site and/or Materials contained onthe Site, any linked site or any product or service purchased through the Site.INDEMNIFICATION You agree to indemnify, defend and holdthe Site, Crooklyn and each of their founders, affiliates, licensors, owners,shareholders, employees, executives, consultants, agents, suppliers,advertisers and sponsors, and their respective directors, officers, employees,consultants, agents and other representatives, harmless from and against anyand all claims, damages, losses, costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees)and other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or from (i) yourbreach of this Agreement, including any violation of the Code of Conduct,above; (ii) any allegation that any materials you submit to us or transmit tothe Site infringe or otherwise violate the copyright, trademark, trade secretor other intellectual property or other rights of any third party; and/or (iii)your activities in connection with the Site. ARBITRATION You agree that any dispute arisingout of or relating to this Agreement or your use of the Site will be submittedexclusively to confidential binding arbitration in New York, New York. Arbitrationunder these Terms will be conducted under the prevailing rules of the AmericanArbitration Association. The arbitrator's award will be binding and may beentered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. To the fullestextent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration under these Terms will bejoined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to these Terms,whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. Notwithstanding theforegoing, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened toviolate the intellectual property rights of the Site, Crooklyn, these personsor entities may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any state orfederal court in the state of New York. NO CLASS ACTIONSYou may only resolve disputes with uson an individual basis, and may not bring a claim as a plaintiff or a classmember in a class, consolidated or representative action. Class actions, classarbitrations, private attorney general actions and consolidation with other arbitrationsaren't allowed.GOVERNING LAWThis Agreement is governed by andconstrued in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, United Statesof America, without regards to its principles of conflicts of law. Any disputesas to the meaning and application of any of the provisions of this Agreementshall be determined under the laws of the State of New York. You agree tosubmit to the exclusive jurisdiction of any State or Federal court located inthe County of New York, New York, United States of America, and waive anyjurisdictional, venue or inconvenient forum objections to such courts. Youagree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or causeof action arising out of or related to use of the Site or this Agreement mustbe filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or beforever barred. WAIVER If any provision of this Agreement isfound to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provisionshall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validityand enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire agreementbetween us relating to the subject matter herein and supersedes any and allprior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements between us with respect tosuch subject matter. No waiver by either party of any breach or defaulthereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breachor default. Any heading, caption or section title contained in this Agreementis inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way defines or explainsany section or provision hereof.QUESTIONS If you have any questions, commentsor complaints regarding these terms or the Site, please contact us at: Store@crooklynclan.net